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MOSFET gm/ID Lookup for IHP SG13G2
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MOSFET gm/ID Lookup for IHP SG13G2

Copyright 2024 Boris Murmann and Harald Pretl

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Important note: Numpy version 1.x.x is required; an error is thrown for Numpy 2.x.x

In [24]:
from pygmid import Lookup as lk
import numpy as np
lv_nmos = lk('sg13_lv_nmos.mat')
lv_pmos = lk('sg13_lv_pmos.mat')
In [25]:
# Lookup a specific value
# List of parameters: VGS, VDS, VSB, L, W, NFING, ID, VT, GM, GMB, GDS, CGG, CGB, CGD, CGS, CDD, CSS
gm = lv_nmos.lookup('GM', L=0.13, VGS=0.9, VDS=0.75, VSB=0)
id = lv_nmos.lookup('ID', L=0.13, VGS=0.9, VDS=0.75, VSB=0)
In [26]:
# Query below uses minimum L, VDS=max(vgs)/2=0.9 and VSB=0 as defaults since they not specified
gm = lv_nmos.lookup('GM', VGS=0.9)
In [27]:
# Similar to above, but now we are looking up a ratio against another ratio
gm_cgg = lv_nmos.lookup('GM_CGG', GM_ID=15)
print(gm_cgg/2/np.pi / 1e9)