# read table data
from pygmid import Lookup as lk
import numpy as np
= lk('sg13_lv_pmos.mat')
lv_pmos # list of parameters: VGS, VDS, VSB, L, W, NFING, ID, VT, GM, GMB, GDS, CGG, CGB, CGD, CGS, CDD, CSS, STH, SFL
# if not specified, minimum L, VDS=max(vgs)/2=0.9 and VSB=0 are used
Sizing for Measurement Amplifier
Copyright 2024 Harald Pretl
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# define the specified values
= 1
Av_spec = 50 # Ohm
Rl_spec = Av_spec / (Rl_spec/2)
gm_spec = 8
gm_id_spec = 0.13 # um
L_spec = 1.5 # V Vdd
# we can calculate the bias current ID directly
id = gm_spec / gm_id_spec
print('Id =', round(id/1e-3, 3), 'mA')
Id = 5.0 mA
# find the W of the transistor
= Rl_spec/2*id
vout_dc = lv_pmos.lookup('ID_W', GM_ID=gm_id_spec, L=L_spec, VDS=(Vdd-vout_dc), VSB=0)
id_w = id / id_w
w = round(w/10,0)*10
w_round print('W =', round(w, 2), 'um, rounded W =', w_round, 'um')
W = 264.3 um, rounded W = 260.0 um
= lv_pmos.look_upVGS(GM_ID=gm_id_spec, L=L_spec, VDS=(Vdd-vout_dc), VSB=0.0)
vgs print ('Vgs =', round(float(vgs),3), 'V')
Vgs = 0.601 V
# the gm_gds we look up and calculate gds from it
= lv_pmos.lookup('GM_GDS', GM_ID=gm_id_spec, L=L_spec, VDS=(Vdd-vout_dc), VSB=0)
gm_gds = gm_spec / gm_gds
gds # calculate the effective load impedance taking gds into account
= 1/(2/Rl_spec + gds)
Rload print('Rload =', round(Rload, 1), 'Ohm')
= gm_spec * Rload
Av print('Av =', round(20*np.log10(Av),1), 'dB')
= gm_spec*lv_pmos.lookup('CGG_GM', GM_ID=gm_id_spec, L=L_spec, VDS=(Vdd-vout_dc), VSB=0)
cin print('Cin =', round(float(cin)/1e-15), 'fF')
Rload = 23.8 Ohm
Av = -0.4 dB
Cin = 351 fF
# draw the final circuit with calculated values
#| label: fig-meas-amp-sized
#| fig-cap: Measurement amplifier with calculated circuit sizing.
import schemdraw as sd
import schemdraw.elements as elm
= False
sd.svgconfig.svg2 with sd.Drawing(canvas='svg') as d:
elm.Vdd().label(= elm.AnalogPFet(offset_gate=False).drop('drain').theta(0).reverse().label(str(round(w_round))+'µm/'+str(round(L_spec,2))+'µm', loc='right')
M1 = elm.Line().down().length(1)
drainline ='in', ofst=-0).at(drainline).label(str(id/1e-3)+'mA')
elm.Line().right().length(= elm.Resistor().down().label(str(Rl_spec)+r'$\Omega$')
d.pop()= elm.Resistor().down().label(str(Rl_spec)+r'$\Omega$')
d.push()= elm.Capacitor().up().label(str(round(cin/1e-15,1))+'fF').color('red')
elm.Line().left().length(open=True).length(0.5).label(r'$v_\mathrm{in}$', 'left') elm.Line().left().dot(